
Supported by ongoing research in human performance, our Physiology team optimizes athlete training, helps athletes understand their strengths and weaknesses, benchmarks athletes against world standards, and facilitates preparation for competition.



Experience world-class Olympic and Paralympic testing environments and utilize the staff and expertise behind so much of Canada’s international success.

Our physiology team can help optimize your training and prepare you for upcoming competitions. Using state-of-the-art research and equipment, we will help you understand your strengths, identify areas of opportunity, as well as track physiological improvements over time.

Scroll down to view our Physiology services below and book by location using the following buttons:

15 Minute Consultation

15 minutes

Unsure which test is right for you? Book a free 15-minute consultation with one of the s
port physiologists to discuss your training goals.

Body Composition
$80 + GST

30 minutes

  • Re-test within 12 months $70
  • Plus girths for both sides of the body $110
  • Re-test within 12 months $100
  • Why: Monitoring body composition allows you to track the quality as well as quantity of your body weight. Body composition analysis using skinfolds and girth measurements determines your fat mass and fat-free mass (muscle and bone mass) allowing you to track changes in weight gain or loss as muscle or fat.
  • How: Using specialized calipers, skinfold thicknesses are measured at eight sites from the upper and lower limbs, and torso. Measurements include height, sitting height, weight, arm span, 8 skinfold sites, 6 girth measurements and 3 bone breadths. Measures are taken according to the International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment.
  • Results: The sport physiologist will discuss the results, including body mass index (BMI), somatotype, sum of 8 skinfolds, girth measurements and estimated % body fat.

VO2 Max & Lactate Test
$350 + GST

2 hours

Are you an endurance athlete wanting to maximise your training? Why train using generic programs when you could tailor your training intensities?

Our VO2max and lactate assessment measures your current cardiovascular fitness level and will provide you with lactate thresholds, maximum heart rate and individualised training zones to guide and maximize your training. We use state-of-the-art research equipment that will provide valid and reliable measures.

Following a 10-minute warm-up, heart rate, rate of perceived exertion, expired gas (i.e., oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, ventilation) and blood lactate concentrations will be collected every 3 minutes until you exceed your second lactate threshold. After this, you will switch to 1-minute stages until failure.

Resting Metabolic Rate Test
$200 + GST

1.5 hours

Are you interested in measuring how much energy your body burns at rest? Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) represents approximately 60-70% of your total daily energy expenditure. Understanding your RMR can help you make informed decisions about your nutrition and exercise routine.

RMR is often estimated using one of several prediction equations. Although these equations are easy to use and require simple measures, they are often inaccurate. At CSI Pacific, we use a state-of-the-art metabolic measuring system to ensure you get the most accurate, individualized results for you.

This test requires you to come to the performance lab early in the morning following an overnight fast. After measuring your height and weight and putting a heart rate monitor on, you will lie down for 30 minutes, during which you will be breathing through a mouthpiece with your nose plugged.

This test is often paired with a Nutrition Consultation. Book in to see our Sports Dietitian today.

Resting and Sub-Maximal Exercise Metabolic Rate Test
$350 + GST

1.5 hours

Why not add sub-maximal (or maximal) exercise to your resting metabolic rate test? These add-ons will allow you to see how much energy you body burns both at rest and during aerobic exercise, enabling you to integrate your nutrition and exercise plans to help you reach your health and performance goals.    

This test requires you to come to the performance lab early in the morning following an overnight fast. After measuring your height and weight and putting a heart rate monitor on, your resting metabolic rate will be measured, followed by 15-18 minutes of submaximal exercise.

General Fitness Appraisal
(all ages)
$150 + GST

1.5 Hours

Our general fitness appraisal will give you a baseline measure of your current fitness level and how it compares to other individuals of the same sex and age. It provides an overview of your body composition, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance. Your results will highlight your strengths and areas of potential improvement.

This test follows the CSEP-PATH protocols so can be used for any JIBC application.

Musculoskeletal Fitness Tests
$100 + GST

30 Minutes

Our musculoskeletal fitness test gives you a baseline measure of your muscular strength, endurance, leg power, flexibility and leg balance, and how they compare to other individuals of the same sex and age.

This test is often added to the more advanced VO2 max tests to get an improved overall body assessment.

VO2 max test
$300 + GST

20 min test, 60 min total

Our VO2max assessment measures your current cardiovascular fitness level, ventilatory thresholds, and maximum heart rate to determine your individualized training zones.

Note: Adding blood lactate analysis allows for a more precise measurement of your metabolic thresholds and training zones.

Following a 10-minute warm-up, the test starts at an easy intensity and gradually increases until you reach maximal exertion. Your heart rate and expired gas (i.e., oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, ventilation) will be measured throughout the test.

$250 + GST

20-30 min test, 60 min total

Want to quantify your lactate thresholds? Or need your training zones re-adjusted? Book in for a lactate step test assessment today.

Following a 10-minute warm-up, heart rate, rate of perceived exertion, and blood lactate concentrations will be collected every 3 minutes until your blood lactate concentration exceeds your second lactate threshold.

Sweat Sodium Analysis
$250 + GST

60-75 minutes

Are you looking to nail your race day hydration so you can perform at your peak? Have you had recent events derailed by cramps, headaches or GI issues?

Our sweat sodium analysis test will provide an insight into how much you sweat and whether your sweat sodium content is normal, high or low. Sweat rate varies considerably from person to person, so having an individualised assessment is key to optimising your strategies for race day.

During a self-selected pace workout on a cycle, treadmill, or rowing ergometer, sweat patches will be applied to your forearms will absorb your sweat. The sweat patches are then analyzed for their sodium concentration. Your weight and fluid intake are measured before and after exercise to determine your sweat rate.

This test is often paired with a Nutrition Consultation. Book in to see our Sports Dietitian today.

Wingate Cycle Sprint test
$75 + GST

Are you an athlete who is interested in measuring your anaerobic capacity and power? Sports that require high bursts of power for short durations may find this test helpful to monitor lower body anaerobic power and capacity.

Following a 10-minute warm up, you will cycle at 60 rpm with no load for 1 minute leading into the start of the test. The test load used is 7.5% of your body mass. Once the test has started, you will cycle as hard and as fast as possible for 30 seconds.

Your peak power output, relative peak power output, fatigue index, and anaerobic capacity will be calculated and reported.

Eucapnic Voluntary Hyperventilation (EVH)
$250 + GST

**Please note, a medical doctor’s referral is required to book this test**

This test is used to aid in the diagnosis of exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB).

It involves a non-exercise protocol designed to evaluate airway reactivity. Lung function measures are first taken to determine the individual’s baseline lung volumes. The individual is then asked to hyperventilate for 6 minutes, while breathing in a mixture of dry medical gases. Immediately following the protocol, the individual performs more lung function measures, repeated every 5-minutes until 20 minutes have passed. A reduction in lung function is often considered a positive test, suggesting the individual may have EIB.

Our physiologists will send the report to the individual’s medical doctor for interpretation.

Basic Spirometry
$100 + GST

Spirometry is the most common type of lung function test used to determine the presence of any lung conditions. The assessment will measure how much air you can breathe in and out of your lungs, as well as how easily and how fast you can empty your lungs.

This test can be used as a baseline measure of lung volumes for an employee as a condition of employment.

Want to do one or more of the tests above? Click one of the buttons below to choose location and then select your tests to book!

Contact us for more information regarding discounts for multiple tests or for group Rates.

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